Thursday, September 27, 2018

Second Fall

I never expected to be a person who enjoyed fall. Fall means dead leaves, gray clouds, less light, cold is coming. However, fall in New England is a lovely time. The air is clear and cool, the light is so beautiful, and the leaves are beginning to turn. It's relaxing and interesting and inspiring. This year, I'm actually looking forward to winter, cold, and cozy indoor routines.

Monday, June 18, 2018

Good intentions, the best even

Y'all, I had planned to write every week. I have the best intentions, I mean to write, I sometimes have things I want to write about, even. Then I forget. Or I get busy. I want to write really good posts and give them my full attention but I think I don't have time. So here's a picture of Micah on a dinosaur:

Did that make up for it? Micah and I had a great time at the zoo. Mike has been working like crazy for the past few weeks, including yesterday (Father's Day). He takes doing a good job seriously but he also takes being a good dad and husband seriously, and he feels guilty when he needs to work during what is usually family time. The kindest thing I could do for Father's Day was to take the boys to do something fun so they would be occupied out of the house and he could work without distraction or feeling guilty. We were getting ready to go to Skyzone, then Luke spiked a fever suddenly.

Luke stayed home and read a book, Micah and I went to the zoo because no one needs us bored around the house. It turned out we had a REALLY good trip together. I forget how good it is to have one on one time with him. He's a chatty person who shares a lot about his thoughts and feelings, but it's just a different dynamic when it's just the two of us without other distractions or personalities.

Plus the zoo is doing a dinosaur exhibit and that was fun.

Monday, April 2, 2018

What is happening outside?

It's April, and this is turning out to be the most confusing season so far for me. Summer was a welcome change with no humidity, lower temperatures, and a single bug bite all season. Fall was better than expected, though the light changed until sunset was 4 pm. Winter was exciting, even four nor'easters in a row in March was nothing. But now it's April, and it's still in the 30's and the trees and plants have barely begun to bud. Crocuses have just started poking up. Where are the azaleas? Daffodils? Leaves on the trees? I'm so disoriented...

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Skiing in New Hampshire for the First Time as a Southerner

If you ever have a chance to learn to ski with very kind, patient friends who are also relatively new skiers, take advantage of it. We have friends walk us through the process of skiing on Saturday, and now I'd say we're proficient. Micah was on the double black diamonds.

This was actually a really big scary hill

We went up to Pats Peak for the 3 pm-close session. Honestly, $50 per person for skiing, rentals, and snow tubing is worth it. They have 2 beginner areas and a lot of greens, but I'm told more experienced skiers could get bored. They can go to Utah.

The rental process was very organized. Decide skis or snowboard, go through the lines, you're all set! Then I was in uncharted territory. Don't get experienced skiers to help you here, they don't know what you don't know. Another newer skier who has recently taken lessons knows how to tell you how to snap into your skis and whether you need poles (yes) and doesn't laugh when you fall off the magic carpet in the baby beginner section. 

Micah caught on to skiing very quickly. He was comfortable within minutes, and after the dinner break he was heading down the greens with his friends. I'm going to have to figure out what to do, because his parents can't keep up with him, but I don't think we can just let him go off on the mountain by himself yet. Luke likes to go as fast as he can, and he says he wants to try snowboarding next time. I got to where I felt in control on the bigger beginner hill. I never tried the green, but Mike did!

The light at sunset was beautiful

Friday, January 12, 2018

more writing

My favorite kind of writing (my own writing) makes me laugh. I think I have a funny turn of phrase or a silly character. That's when I enjoy what I'm doing and it flows.

I've signed up for a 10 week short fiction course at Grub Street. I've had one class so far, but I love it. I was really worried that I wouldn't belong, that all the other people in the class would be working on or have MFA's, have published stories, or that they'd be really smart and know a lot of technical writery stuff. The first class was really reassuring though. We will be reading stories and exploring them trying to "think like writers", submitting our own stories, and workshopping each others' stories. That last one sounds terrifying. However, in how we talked about the first story in the first class, I realized I have a few natural strengths already. I notice how writers use the particular words that they do, and how the choices they make in character, scenes, and plot move the story forward. I really hope that will translate into my own writing. I also watch the people around me. I'm willing to try things and take risks, which will matter when I get to letting other people read what I write. And I think I'm pretty good at describing a scene in a way that let's a reader see what I see in my mind's eye, or at least gives them the opportunity to construct their own scene.